Fashion Quarterly Hall of Fame 2024

Fashion Quarterly Hall of Fame 2024

Fashion Quarterly hosted the inaugural fashion awards on 31st July at Morningside’s Glasshouse , and I was incredibly honoured to have been recognized as a finalist for Best Contribution to Pacific Fashion. This acknowledgment meant the world to me, and I’m deeply grateful to the wonderful person who took the time to nominate me 😊.

Being named a finalist in this category was particularly special because I was alongside some of the most talented and inspiring figures in the industry – Sammy Salsa and Papa Clothing. These individuals have done an extraordinary job of representing Pacific peoples in fashion, and they’ve been a source of inspiration to me for many years. Sharing this recognition with them is both humbling and motivating.

For the past 13 years, I’ve poured my heart and soul into my business, often feeling overlooked by the mainstream fashion world. So, receiving this award was not just a professional milestone—it was a deeply emotional moment for me. It affirmed that the work I’ve been doing to uplift and celebrate Pacific fashion is being seen and valued.

However, this recognition also reminded me that there is still much work ahead. We must continue pushing for greater visibility, acknowledgment, and respect for Pacific people and our contributions to fashion. I’m committed to continuing this journey, and I’m excited to see where it leads us as a community.


See all the winners of the night here:

Fashion Quarterly | Winners of the FQ Fashion Awards 2024